K-5 Elementary Programs

Put the joy back in teaching! FUNdamental Music Mastery™ enables Kindergarten through 5th grade students to experience the fun of reading music as they learn music fundamentals with confidence and independence. With colorful icons and easy counting games, students learn rhythm, pitch, counting, note reading and other building blocks of musical skill while having a wonderful time in your class!  Check out this exciting program today, and see what a difference it can make in your classroom! 

You Won’t Miss A Beat™ cloud-based assessments, powered by Match My Sound® and administered through MusicFirst, are easy to use! Three times a year your students’ musical progress will be assessed individually – and graded automatically – while you continue working with your ensemble! Each assessment takes only a few moments.

In music, counting is the key! With easy-to-follow primers and carefully sequence lessons, your students will start to read music from day one!

Together, We Sing is your roadmap to building a stand-out music program, no matter what grade you teach! Developed by Dr. Geoffrey Boers, head of the University of Washington Choral Department, this handy desk reference gives you realistic targets for kids of all ages. Full of ideas for planning fun-filled music classes!