Foundations of Choral Mastery™

A Beginner-to-Advanced Choral Sight-Reading Program
This is where ALL choirs should begin – with carefully sequenced, easy-to-follow note and rhythm patterns! Comprehensive, sequential lessons leading to MASTERY of all fundamenals.
Foundations of Choral Mastery™ is a sight-reading and music literacy course designed to help all choirs come up to speed as they progress toward MASTERY of the most common musical concepts, enabling them to actually read music on their own as they become independent musicians. Even your most hesitant young choirs will soon have the confidence they need to begin sight-reading on their own!
Make Teaching Music Easier!
Teach all the fundamentals of music while your singers enjoy the thrill of mastery!

Count accurately and independently

Read key signatures and find their own starting pitches

See and "hear" intervals before singing them

Independently sing their own parts

Understand and apply many common musical terms, articulations and musical expression marks

Evaluate their own progress

Meet or exceed state and national standards

Aligned with National Standards!
Each Volume in the Foundations of Choral Mastery™ series contains 40 unique lessons, each one presented in Treble, Bass and Mixed formats for a total of 120 lessons. Having multiple formats affords you the flexibility to use the lessons with virtually any choir. Each lesson is rich in content, with a variety of musical terms and expressions, time signatures and keys. FCM lessons are aligned with national standards!

Lesson Titles
Click here for detailed information about each lesson.
Try a FREE sample!
We invite you to download and try out these sample lessons in Treble, Bass and Mixed versions. In just minutes a day, your students will begin to develop confidence and a broad range of musical skills while having fun!
Visit the Shop
One Book
Book 1, Book 2, or Book 3
Three Books
All three Counting Mastery Essentials™ Books!
- A $225 value!
Two Books
Any two Counting Mastery Essentials™ Books!
- A $150 value!