Foundations of Choral Mastery™

for Choral Sight-Reading and Literacy Training


Concepts covered in this program include:

  • Counting of all typical notes and rests up to 16th notes

  • Finding and keeping track of Do

  • Keeping individual time

  • Recognizing and accurately tuning pitches

  • Identifying and performing intervals, and triadic recognition

  • Singing melodic lines

  • Developing sight reading skills of looking ahead and “pre-hearing” intervals before you sing them

  • Understanding and interpreting tempo expression markings

  • Performing rhythmic and melodic lines in duets

  • Understanding and differentiating time signatures

Lesson Titles

1 –  Getting Started With Quarter notes and rests
2 –  Working with Quarters and Rests
3 –  Half notes get 2 counts (usually)
4 –  Halves, quarters and rest practice, adding Mi – Marcatto
5 –  Dotted halves, quarters, rests – Do, Re Mi drill; Introducing mezzo piano (mp) and mezzo forte (mf)
6 –  Do, Re, Mi – counting and looking ahead
7 –  Do, Re, Mi – Introducing eighth notes
8 –  Do, Re, Mi – eighth notes and rests
9 –  Mastering Do, Re, Mi notes, rhythms, and rests and Introducing the whole note
10 – Introducing Eb Major and 4/8 time
11 –  Learning in Eb – 4/8 time – looking ahead.  The Fermata
12 –  Moving ahead with eighth notes and Do, Re, Mi –  Counting rests in your head
13 –  Introducing  G major – and lower Ti
14 –  G major – Reinforcing lower Ti, Mastering rhythms
15 –  Becoming more skilled and independent musicians
16 –  Introducing the tie, and piano (p) and forte (f)
17 –  Practicing the tie, MASTERING eighth notes
18 –  Jumping around with eighth notes
19 –  Counting through longer notes
20 –  Introducing D major – practicing basic skills
21 –  Eighth notes and syncopation*
22 –  Introducing Crescendo and Decrescendo – practicing syncopation
23 –  Practicing dynamics and syncopation
24 –  Adding Fa – 2/2 time – Practicing looking ahead
25 –  Fa + mastering skills thus far
26 –  Adding the DOT – more important rhythmic skills
27 –  Introducing C major and rhythmic drill
28 –  Wider skips in C major
29 –  Introducing the eighth note rest
30 –  Practicing eighth notes and skips – Introducing Sol
31 –   Introducing 6/8 time – practicing Sol
32 –  Eb Major –  Practicing 6/8 time – notes and rests
33 –  4/8 time – Working with Fa
34 –  Working with triads and skips
35 –  Introducing 5/4 time, practicing skips and syncopation
36 –  Sforzando; Subito and accents
37 –  Introducing E major; WIDER skips; sfz; Hemiola
38 –  Legato and staccato singing
39 –  Longer notes require more breath management – Practicing wider skips
40 –  Graduation exercises – Congratulations!