You won't miss a beat!How Our Cloud-Based Assessments Work
The student enters a practice room where you have set up a laptop or computer. (At your discretion, a classroom assistant or student teacher can also be in the practice room to monitor the tests.) The student takes the online assessment, which is instantly scored and sent to that students’ digital file.

In addition to graded assessments you can also select from a huge library of independent practice assessments that help students build confidence and improve testing skills during the year, anywhere they can connect to the internet. The results of those practice sessions (who practiced, when, and for how long) are compiled automatically and available for review in your student database.
You Won’t Miss A Beat™ assessments are sequenced from 6th grade through college level. You simply select the assessments that are appropriate for your ensemble’s current level of accomplishment. Coming Soon … you will also be able to write your own exercises and build a library of assessments that truly reflect the uniqueness of your own teaching and conducting style.